Kaytee Small Animals
Big Deals for Small Animals
Client: Kaytee Small Animals
Market: Continental U.S.
Kaytee Products has been highly regarded for superior quality, reliable service and innovative new products. As the leader in Bird and Small Animal nutrition and care, they take pride in their commitment to the animals they love. CoupSmart’s job was to help Kaytee with building their social presence.
Kaytee Small Animals ran a "$1 OFF" coupon on Facebook using our Smart Deals app and the results weren’t as good as we knew they could be, so we used our reporting and analytics to come up with strategy for a new offer that would perform better. Kaytee changed their offer to a “$4 OFF” coupon.
- Once we changed the offer amount, the print rate immediately increased to 68.79%.
- There was an increase of 15,846 total Fans that were acquired during both offers.